Highend PCAP
1.5" ~ 10.1"

Move objects in real time.

Fade in and out control elements gently.

Automatically enlarge parameters.

Easy screen creation via Windows tool.

IPS Displays.

Color HMI operating units with touch - programmable

HMI Units with Touch

The outstanding control panels for installation in your system.

Excellent as a replacement for physical switches and controllers in home automation, in analyzers for the lab, as control panels in mobile homes or for installation in kitchen, wellness or fitness equipment, to control a paper feeder and, and, and.

Have a look at the short video on the left.

SMART HMI 1.5" ~ 4.3"

Are you looking for a TFT display with touch panel as "Ready-to-Run"? Our Smart Touch Panels are suitable for a wide range of applications in industry, medical technology and the consumer sector.

Brilliant colours, paired with a powerful controller for graphics and I/O functionalities. Plus perfect service directly from Germany and a genuine availability guarantee.

- Extreme bright wit more than 1000 cd/m²

- Fast Graphics Controller with powerful graphic commands

- Easy screen design with f.o.c. tool "uniTFTDesigner"

- Standalone application

- Demo board available

- 1.5" - 2" - 2.8" - 3.5" - 4.3"

Data sheet - hardware - for 1.5", 2", 2.8", 3.5", 4.3" Smart HMI displays with PCAP touch Data sheet - software - for 1.5", 2", 2.8", 3.5", 4.3" Smart HMI displays with PCAP touch Buy mini TFT Display with PCAP in Webshop Starter kit with display
Hardware Software Shop Application examples
Smart Touch HMI with TFT display and PCAP, WYSIWYG Graphic editor, IPS technology to control and regulate

High-End HMI 5" ~ 10.1"

Powerful control units for monitoring and control.

Any object can be placed, moved and deleted at any time. Fonts can be zoomed and rotated without loss. Selected Windows character sets are stored directly in the display. Thanks to automatic ASCII and Unicode switching, all systems are flexibly supported; Chinese characters included.
Elegant effects for fading in and out or flying in are already integrated. Stylesheets can be used to create uniform designs. Images can be embedded as JPEG, PNG or SVG (also transparent), sound can be played in the form of MP3. Together with the integrated and battery-buffered time base, events can be documented together with the help of a time stamp or processes can be controlled completely autonomously.

5" - 7" - 10,1"

Data sheet - hardware - for 5", 7", 10.1" high-end HMI displays with PCAP touch Data sheet - software - for 5", 7", 10.1" high-end HMI displays with PCAP touch Buy High end HMI PCAP with TFT Display in Webshop Starter kit with HMI display
Hardware Software Shop Starterkit datasheet
uniTFT Intelligent Display unit with PCAP for Control Unit

Incl. WYSIWYG tool for Windows

The uniTFTDesigner makes creating your own pages a breeze.

The powerful development environment for the whole uniTFT series. Including simulator, debugger, instrument and clock editor, terminal tool etc.

Read more here.


At a glance

The new HMI displays are available in different sizes from 1.5" over 7" up to 10.1".

For a quick start, we offer starter sets with a control unit including touch and accessories. For the display, we recommend installing the design software uniTFTDesigner (free of charge).

Display Ordring Codes

Data Sheet


1.5" EA uniTFTs015-ATC

Datenblatt -Hardware- für EA uniTFTs HMI Smart Display mit PCAP

Datenblatt -Software- für EA uniTFTs HMI Smart Display mit PCAP

Smart Display 2" 2,8" 3,5" 4,3" mit Touch EA uniTFTs kaufen
2" EA uniTFTs020-ATC
2.8" EA uniTFTs028-ATC
3.5" EA uniTFTs035-ATC
4.3" EA uniTFTs043-ATC
Demopack incl. 2.8" PCAP EA DEMOPACKxxx Datenblatt DEMOPACK HMI mit PCAP Touch und SPI Interface Demopack 2,8" mit Touch kaufen
7" new, low-cost version EA uniTFTm070-ATC /-BTC

Datenblatt - Hardware - für EA uniTFT HMI control unit mit PCAP

Datenblatt - Software - für EA uniTFT HMI control unit mit PCAP

Demopack 2,8" mit Touch kaufen
5" EA uniTFT050-A

Datenblatt - Hardware - für EA uniTFT HMI control unit mit PCAP

Datenblatt - Software - für EA uniTFT HMI control unit mit PCAP

EA uniTFT050 5" HMI mit PCAP und USB kaufen

EA uniTFT050-ATC
EA uniTFT050-ATP

EA uniTFT070-A

EA uniTFT070 7" HMI mit PCAP und USB kaufen

EA uniTFT070-ATC
10.1" EA uniTFT101-A

EA uniTFT101 10,1" HMI mit PCAP und USB kaufen

EA uniTFT101-ATC
Quickstarter EA QUICKuniTFT050C

Datenblatt QUICKuniTFT HMI mit PCAP Touch und SPI Interface

EA QUICKuniTFT kaufen - Starterpack für High-End HMI mit PCAP


Starter Pack / Demo Pack

Get started "out-of-the-box" with your individual application. We already offer various standard applications as starter packs.

Read more here.


Readable in direct sunlight

You have an outdoor application where direct sunlight is not excluded? Or a very bright environment in the operating theatre, at the dentist, in the photo studio etc ?

The uniTFT series offers perfect readability both outside and inside; see for yourself:

Sunlight readability EA uniTFT display with PCAP 2"
