Smart Touch Displays uniTFTs

With the uniTFTs series, Electronic Assembly offers a range of small touch displays that give every switch or control unit the operating convenience of a tablet. With integrated graphics controller, extensive graphics functions and numerous interfaces, the displays are ready to run without additional peripherals.

Only three fingers wide is the smallest variant from Electronic Assembly's new uniTFTs series. Nevertheless, this capacitive touch display has a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels on its 2.0 inch screen diagonal. In addition, this series is currently also available in 2.8 inch (320 x 240), 3.5 inch (480 x 320) and 4.3 inch (480 x 272) diagonals.

The brilliant color displays are using improved IPS-Panels with AACS technology (All Angle Color Stability). Contrast and colors are retained even at extreme viewing angles. Unlike commonly used TN-Panels these displays do not have an inverse tilt effect. With typ. 1,000 cd/m² and more brightness, the displays are rich in contrast and clearly readable even in direct sunlight. A video on website show this impressively. All screens are equipped with an optically bonded, capacitive touch surface. This allows direct and intuitive interaction even with multiple gestures.

Thanks to the integrated I/O and fast graphics controller, they can also be used to implement stand-alone applications without additional hardware. Extensive graphic functions support the programming of impressive touch and display functions as well as animations with the included Windows tool uniTFTDesigner (available f.o.c.). All displayed objects can be animated and can be changed in form, colour and content during runtime. The built-in flash memory acts as a storage for images, fonts, menus and log files. The built-in audio output ensures acoustic attention.

With USB, RS232, SPI and I²C the uniTFTs have all common serial interfaces. Four analog inputs as well as eight freely definable I/O interfaces are used to acquire data and issue control commands. The I/Os are expandable up to 136.

The miniature touch panels are ideally suited as a replacement for mechanical switches and controllers in home automation, as operating panels in mobile homes or for installation in high-quality kitchen as well as wellness or fitness equipment.
Designed for control panel for industrial usage in analyzing equipment, paper-feeding machines and intelligent measuring devices Electronic Assembly guarantees comprehensive service directly from Germany as well as long-term availability.

More information on website.


Display Ordering code



2" EA uniTFTs020-ATC

Datenblatt uniTFTs HMI Smart Display mit PCAP

Smart Display 2" 2,8" 3,5" 4,3" mit Touch EA uniTFTs kaufen

2.8" EA uniTFTs028-ATC
3.5" EA uniTFTs035-ATC
4.3" EA uniTFTs043-ATC
Smarte Touchdisplays als mini Bedieneinheit