EA Support

Support and help on LCD, OLED and TFT dispalys

Data sheets

Our data sheets with all technical data on graphics displays, text displays, display controllers, digital voltmeters, display modules, adapter boards, event counters, summators, frequencies, elapsed hour meters and USB data loggers are available here for download.


Data sheets

Application Note

With the help of our application notes the first steps in commissioning our displays becomes fast and easy. You also do find lots of useful tools there.
Clear and compact.

Application Note

Know How

LCD stands for liquid crystal display. An LCD always consists of a special liquid sandwiched between two plates. Wondering what liquid this could be? Learn about this and other interesting terminology in connection with our LCD modules here.

Know how

Driver, Tools and Updates

Here you will find a collection of sample programs, tools, drivers and additional information on most module series made by DISPLAY VISIONS (resp. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY). Coming out of practice.

Driver, Tools and Updates