embedded world DIGITAL

embedded world DIGITAL 1. ~ 5. March 2021

This time all is different

We broadcast live from our display showroom.

Talk directly to our sales department or a development engineer; by phone or by "direct video call" as Messe Nürnberg calls it.

How does the online fair work?

You can find out about our products online and then speak directly to your individual contact person just one click away. By telephone or direct call incl. video function.

He or she will advise you immediately and, if you wish, show you our displays in full operation via video.

Step 1: Register

Simply copy this voucher code into your clipboard (highlight and then Ctrl-C) and then click on the image to the right.

Voucher code: ew21456801

Step 2: Onboarding

From 23 February 2021.

You will receive an invitation from the trade fair company to register for specific topics and lectures.

Step 3: Online fair

1 ~ 5 March 2021.

Visit the exhibition and browse through the innovations: https://www.talque.com/app#/onboard/login?locale=EN_US

Contact your indivudual person directly by e-mail, phone, chat or Direct-Video-Call. In the direct call you can reach us via video and we will show you our displays "live and in colour".

Trade fair offer

A product from our new HMI series EA uniTFTs:

Check air quality and record temperature and humidity with the colour display. Feel free to customise your touch panel!

EA DEMOPACK-CLIMA           69.- €*
Incl. 2.8" Touch panel and Demo board


*net plus VAT. Free of shipping costs in Germany. This offer is valid until 15.03.2021.

More Details...


More information about the embedded world 2021 DIGITAL will follow...

This was our booth last year.

Impressions from exhibition 2020