Character OLED Displays long lasting and long available

Right: EA W204-XLG. 4x20 Character.

modern Character OLED Displays in yellow light active Crisp yellow on a deep black background, plus a viewing angle of almost 180 °

High Quality Character OLED Displays, modules

Character OLED Displays Modules are modern, innovative and intelligent

Crisp yellow on a deep black background, plus a viewing angle of almost 180 °, that can only be an Character OLED display. OLED Character displays are active modules, which means that the pixels themselves light up. The power consumption can also be correspondingly low. However, it is always higher than that of a reflective LCD modules. Although the OLED Character display is called "active", there are still active OLED Displays and passive Character OLED modules in the area of ​​control. The passive Oled technology can be used up to a screen size of about 5 inches, larger modules are actively controlled.

Our OLED Character displays are designed for continuous operation of 50,000 hours and more and are therefore really suitable for industrial use. They are available for a long time and the developer receives full support via email, phone or through the website. There is also a Oled USB test board and countless application examples. OLED displays are available for pure Oled text character display or as Oled graphic modules.

Character OLED modules are also available together with a touch panel, also with USB or RS-232 interface (linked here). All OLED modules can be viewed in our webshop.

Here you will find further information about OLED modules or the difference to TFT and LCD.

Character OLED Displays Modules as Module for text and graphics for industry, automotive and medical technology with SPI for 3.3V are modern, innovative and intelligent

Character OLED Displays modules are suitable for industry, automotive and medical technology. We would be happy to advise you on this or you can buy the modules you need in our online shop

Not sure which Character Oled modules are right for you? Contact us, we will be happy to advise you more about our products and will surely find the right product together with you.
Or if you know what you need, you can of course also buy the Oled product in our online shop.
For larger orders, contact us. We will then make you an appropriate offer.