Arduino Touch
Arduino Touch
How do you combine an Arduino with a touch? A touch (or touch panel) usually includes a display. The display should also be controlled by the Arduino.
There are several technologies for touch panels. The most common are resistive touch panels and capacitive (PCAP) touch.
Resistive touch panels require 2 analog inputs and digital outputs (push/pull) to switch defined voltages. The Arduino offers both.
A touch in PCAP technology is usually already equipped with a touch panel controller. This usually has an I²C bus interface. This also fits perfectly with the Arduino.
A very elegant way is to use intelligent displays from the EA eDIP series and the EA uniTFT series. These have a SPI or I²C bus interface which controls both the touch panel and the display. This reduces the hard- and software effort to a minimum.
Here you can buy touchpanels and displays.